Create a Routine! Change Your Day, Change Your Life
A Routine That Changes Your Day, A Habit That Transforms Your Life
"Do successful people have innate special abilities?" Many people think so, but in reality, their secret lies in consistent routines. A routine changes your day, and ultimately, your life. So, how can we create and maintain an effective routine?
1. Routine Strategies of Successful People
1) Reduce Decisions and Save Energy
Successful people minimize daily decisions through routines. For example, Steve Jobs wore the same outfit every day, and former President Obama established a fixed way to start his day. By reducing decisions, you conserve energy for important tasks.
2) Set Four Criteria: Reward, Meaning, Fun, and Relationships
When choosing what to do, consider reward (monetary/non-monetary), meaning, fun, and relationships to eliminate unnecessary tasks and focus on essential ones. If a task does not fulfill at least one of these four criteria, it’s best to decline it.
3) Avoid Burnout and Consider Sustainability
The biggest obstacle in creating and maintaining a routine is burnout. Setting overly ambitious goals can quickly lead to exhaustion. The key is to endure boredom, make small changes, and stay consistent. Even world-class pianists keep their interest alive by introducing slight variations while playing the same piece.
2. The Impact of Routine on Mental Health
1) Routine Reduces Anxiety and Provides Stability
Routines offer significant psychological stability. A regular daily pattern makes life more predictable and reduces stress. Irregular lifestyles can increase anxiety and depression.
2) Let Go of a Victim Mentality and Live Proactively
When faced with failure or misfortune, thinking "I am a victim" makes it difficult to overcome the situation. Luck is an important factor, but preparing for opportunities is even more crucial.
We must step up to the plate to hit a home run. People who seem lucky are not just lucky; they take many chances, endure failures, and eventually seize opportunities.
3. How to Build and Maintain a Consistent Routine
1) Lower the Barrier to Start
You don’t need an elaborate plan to start exercising. Begin with just 10 squats. If starting feels difficult, focus on small, achievable goals.
2) Connect New Habits to Existing Ones (Anchoring Technique)
A great way to build a new habit is to link it to an existing one. For example, stretch while brewing your morning coffee. Integrating new habits into your current routine makes them easier to adopt.
3) Tackle Unpleasant Tasks in the Morning
Procrastinating on unpleasant tasks keeps them on your mind all day. Finishing them in the morning reduces mental burden and allows you to be more productive throughout the day.
4. The Transformation That Routine Brings: From One Day to a Lifetime
A routine is not just about planning your day. When accumulated, routines shape your life.
Ask yourself, "Can I consistently do something for a long time without getting exhausted?" Small daily routines add up, ultimately leading us to the life we desire.
Create a routine. Change your day, and change your life!