2 Reasons Why the Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work and How to Fix It

2 Reasons Why the Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work and How to Fix It

Why Doesn’t the Law of Attraction Work for Me?

We speak our goals out loud, write them down, and visualize them, yet often, we still don’t achieve the desired results. Have you ever wondered, “Why doesn’t the Law of Attraction work for me?” The reason isn’t simply a lack of willpower or effort. By understanding two key reasons why the Law of Attraction doesn’t work, you can manifest your desired reality more effectively.

1. We Don’t Truly Think

Albert Schweitzer once said, “The greatest problem of modern people is that they do not think.” This was true 100 years ago, and it may be even more severe today.

The Disappearance of ‘Real Thinking’ in Our Busy Lives

We wake up, get ready for work, work all day, and collapse from exhaustion at night—repeating this cycle daily. Even in brief moments of free time, we check our smartphones, leaving no room for our minds to rest. However, the kind of ‘thinking’ we are talking about here is different from merely planning daily tasks or handling work.

  • What kind of life do I truly want?
  • What are my real goals?
  • Am I satisfied with my current life?

How many people genuinely ask themselves these fundamental questions? Without deep self-reflection, we can’t be sure if the goals we set are truly what we desire. If that’s the case, the Law of Attraction won’t work properly.

Solution: Ask Yourself Reflective Questions

  • Take 5 minutes daily to ask yourself meaningful questions.
  • Use a journal or notebook to record your current thoughts and feelings.
  • Continually explore what your true goals are.

2. We Don’t Communicate with Ourselves

To understand someone, we need to have conversations with them. Without knowing a person well, it’s difficult to form a deep relationship. Similarly, if we don’t communicate with ourselves, we can’t truly understand who we are.

Why We Feel Distant from Ourselves

Talking to ourselves doesn’t come naturally. In fact, it can feel awkward and uncomfortable. That’s because we aren’t used to engaging with ourselves—like meeting an old friend after years of no contact and feeling distant.

However, if we don’t know ourselves well, the Law of Attraction is even less likely to work. It becomes harder to set clear goals and to motivate ourselves effectively.

Solution: Practice Getting to Know Yourself

  • Practice Self-Talk: Spend 5 minutes daily looking in the mirror and talking to yourself.
  • Meditation and Mindfulness: Observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment.
  • Use Self-Reflection Questions to Understand Yourself:
    • What activities make me the happiest?
    • What am I afraid of?
    • What are the values I cherish the most?

How to Effectively Use the Law of Attraction

For the Law of Attraction to work, you must first truly understand yourself.

  1. Take time to ‘think’ and discover your real goals.
  2. Develop a close relationship with yourself and engage in self-dialogue.

Only after completing these two steps will the Law of Attraction begin to work powerfully. If you want to manifest your ideal life, start by deeply understanding who you are!