From Impossible to Possible: The 6 Steps to Success and Wealth

From Impossible to Possible

What should you do if you desire success?

Many people dream of success, but few know how to turn that dream into reality. Napoleon Hill’s book, “Think and Grow Rich”, vividly captures the essence of success and the methods to attract wealth. This article explores the six essential steps and practical methods that can transform your aspirations into reality.

Napoleon Hill's 6-Step Success Formula

1. Define a Clear Financial Goal

The first step to success is setting a specific goal. If your goal is vague, your subconscious mind cannot recognize it. Clearly define the amount you want to achieve and visualize this amount becoming a reality.

For example, if your goal is to earn 100 million won, vividly picture that money being deposited into your bank account. Imagine the balance in your account and specify what you will do with that money. The clearer the goal, the more your subconscious will work toward realizing it.

The key here is to act as if the goal has already been achieved. Repeatedly imagine the accomplished goal daily and instill confidence in yourself.

2. Decide What You Will Give in Return

Every achievement comes with a price. Define the effort you are willing to make to achieve your goal. Ask yourself what you are prepared to give up or sacrifice to obtain the money.

For instance, are you ready to dedicate three hours daily to self-improvement to meet your financial goal? Are you willing to reduce leisure time or hobbies if necessary?

The price doesn’t always mean monetary costs; it could involve sacrificing time, energy, or comfort. Accepting this cost confirms your genuine commitment to your goal.

3. Set a Deadline

Goals need deadlines. Specify the exact date by which you plan to achieve your goal. This gives your subconscious mind a timeline for planning.

Simply saying, “I want to be rich someday,” is not enough. For example, say, “I will save 100 million won by December 31, 2025.” A clear deadline ensures that your efforts are structured and directed toward a tangible target.

4. Create an Action Plan and Take Action

No matter how excellent your plan is, without action, you will see no results. Immediate action is crucial.

Ideas are signals from your subconscious. Act on ideas as they occur. Don’t worry about having a perfect plan. What matters is taking action. Small, consistent actions can lead to significant changes.

5. Write a Statement of Your Goal

To clarify your goals and plans, write a statement. This statement should include the amount, the deadline, and what you’re willing to offer in return.

Read this statement aloud twice daily—once in the morning and once before going to bed. This will help embed your goal deeply into your subconscious.

6. Harness the Power of Repetition and Autosuggestion

Repetition is the key to success. Use autosuggestion to program your subconscious. Remind yourself of your goal every day and visualize yourself as already successful. Autosuggestion is not just about repetition—it is a powerful tool for bringing your goals to life.

Autosuggestion and the Law of Attraction

Faith Is the Key

"Your subconscious mind believes any thought it is fed." Imagine success and wealth, acting as if you have already achieved it. This is not just dreaming—it is programming your subconscious.

The Magic of Repetition

"Repetition creates belief, and belief drives action." Read the same phrases daily and remind yourself of your goals. This sends strong signals to your subconscious, altering your thoughts and behaviors.

Repetition isn’t just an activity—it’s a powerful tool for strengthening your goals and beliefs. Start your day by reading your statement and end it the same way. Such small habits can lead to significant changes.

Three Practical Tips for Action

1. Use Visualization Tools

Write down your goals and place them where you can see them daily. Reminding yourself of your objectives consistently is essential.

For instance, write your goals and statements on your bathroom mirror, desk, or smartphone wallpaper. Read them repeatedly and stimulate your goals visually.

2. Create a Positive Environment

Surround yourself with people who lead you toward success. Avoid negative energy and build an environment that promotes personal growth. Engage with the stories and experiences of successful individuals for motivation.

3. Record Small Achievements

Never overlook small victories—record them. This practice helps you stay motivated. Small successes build confidence and serve as stepping stones toward greater goals.

A Success Story: Edwin C. Barnes

Edwin C. Barnes, known as Thomas Edison’s business partner, is a prime example of achieving success without resources. He didn’t even have the money for a train ticket to Edison’s laboratory but achieved his goal through intense desire and unwavering determination.

What was his secret? He cut off all escape routes and focused solely on his goal. For five years, he worked in the lowest position in Edison’s company without losing sight of his objective. Eventually, he became Edison’s only partner and amassed wealth equivalent to over 60 billion won today.

The Mind Shapes Reality

Napoleon Hill said, “You can achieve nothing if you cannot control your mind.” The journey to success begins with a strong desire, nurtured through repetition and deeply embedded in your subconscious. Start today by defining your dreams and taking the first step toward realizing them. At this very moment, the impossible is the first step to making the possible happen.